
mardi 14 avril 2015

觀光客到巴黎一定要做, 但你可以不做的幾件事 CES CHOSES À (NE SURTOUT PAS) FAIRE À PARIS

如果只能在巴黎待幾天, 那麼通常都會選擇重點式旅遊. 
但是巴黎可以看的東西跟景點太多了! 就算一星期的行程也不見得能玩到全部重點~
Quelle que soit la durée d’un séjour à Paris, et surtout lors d’un long week-end de 2 ou 3 jours, la tentation « d’aller à l’essentiel » peut être source de déception. Paris est une grande ville aux merveilles innombrables, et quelques jours, voire même une semaine, ne sont pas suffisants pour toutes les découvrir. 
Pour vous éviter de perdre votre temps, partez donc plutôt à la découverte d’un autre Paris pour en comprendre toute sa magie.
這裡提供幾個不讓你浪費時間的建議! 讓你對巴黎的全貌有更清楚的領略 :)

1. Ne pas … voir la Joconde. 別去看蒙娜麗莎


Plus de 25.000 personnes visitent le Musée du Louvre tous les jours, et la majorité fonce tête baissée vers le célèbre tableau une fois entrée dans le musée
Bien que La Joconde soit sans aucun doute une oeuvre sublime, son petit format et les dizaines (pour ne pas dire centaines) de personnes devant vous vous empêcheront d’en apprécier la beauté. Sans compter les appareils photos et autres téléphones portables, nouveaux spectateurs préférés de Mona Lisa.

每天有超過2萬5千人去看蒙娜麗莎. 大多數人一進入羅浮宮都是頭低低的直衝往蒙娜麗莎處.
雖然她真的是個絕世瑰寶, 但擁擠的人群根本無法讓你好好欣賞她的美. 

Mais préférer… voir le reste du musée du Louvre. 不如盡情欣賞羅浮宮其他收藏

musée du louvre

À  l’opposé des masses, plus de 35 000 oeuvres sont exposées dans le musée. Profitez-en par exemple pour découvrir les appartements de Napoléon III, la somptueuse galerie égyptienne, les joyaux de la Couronne de France… Tout en déambulant dans ce superbe palais, construit à l’origine comme une forteresse pour protéger Paris.

羅浮宮收藏超過3萬5千個.  別錯過金碧輝煌的拿破崙三世豪宅, 埃及文物, 以及法國王室的珠寶!

2. Ne pas… prendre de bateau-mouche. 不要搭蒼蠅船

Oui, la Seine est un fleuve mythique, et vouloir le découvrir en bateau est compréhensible. Rien ne vaut pour autant une longue balade romantique sur les berges pour ressentir l’atmosphère incomparable de la Seine. Car, ne l’oubliez pas, Paris est une ville qui se découvre à pieds…
Si vous souhaitez absolument une croisière sur la Seine, optez plutôt pour un dîner croisière. Une manière sympathique, et parfois gourmande, de découvrir Paris la nuit.

巴黎是一個適合用雙腳探索的城市. 雖然遊船所領略的風景也很迷人, 但漫步在塞納河沿岸所感受的風光是無可比擬的!
如果一定要搭船的話, 建議選擇船上晚餐, 更浪漫喔!

Mais préférer… 不如...


Depuis le Pont Alexandre III jusqu’à l’Île de la Cité, une longue balade de 2 heures qui traverse quelques-uns des plus beaux endroits de Paris. Jardins des Tuileries, Place de la Concorde, Le Louvre, Le Pont Neuf… Visiter Paris a pieds vous laisse libre de vos mouvements, en plus de vous offrir tout le temps de la contemplation…

從亞歷山大三世橋開始, 準備一趟約兩小時的漫步吧! 沿途經過杜樂麗花園, 協和廣場, 羅浮宮, 新橋, ....隨著自己的節奏, 欣賞巴黎之美!

3. Ne pas … monter en haut de la Tour Eiffel. 不要登上艾菲爾鐵塔

Le chef-d’œuvre de Gustave Eiffel n’est pas le monument le plus visité au monde pour rien. Et il est normal que tout visiteur de Paris qui se respecte souhaite monter ce mythiques géant de fer…. Au risque de passer des heures dans la queue, et autant aux étages pour profiter de la vue.

"鋼鐵貴婦"雖然是最多人參觀的建築之一, 但是必需花幾小時排隊, 還要氣喘吁吁的爬樓梯啊!

Mais préférer… découvrir des vues originales sur Paris 不如發現巴黎的獨特美景


Outre la Tour Eiffel ou la Tour Montparnasse, de jolis panoramas sur Paris peuvent être appréciés gratuitement aux quatre coins de la ville.
Depuis le Trocadéro ou le parvis de Montmartre évidemment, mais aussi – et cela est moins connu – depuis les hauteurs de Belleville et son jardin. Mieux, promenez-vous dans la douce  Butte Bergeyre. Un banc vous attend pour contempler Paris.

蒙帕拿斯大樓, 凱旋門, 聖母院, 龐畢度中心, 拉法葉百貨的頂樓都可以欣賞巴黎美景.
有些免費景點也可以俯瞰巴黎. Trocadéro廣場或聖心堂前, belleville美麗城的公園~

4. Ne pas… visiter la Bastille. 不要參觀巴士底

plus belle station metro paris

Pas tellement parce que vous ne devriez pas la visiter, mais plutôt que vous ne pouvez pas.
Coeur mythique de la Révolution Française, l’ancienne forteresse de la Bastille a été détruite pendant la révolte. Les touristes venus découvrir aujourd’hui ce haut-lieu de l’histoire française  ne découvriront malheureusement qu’une vaste place à la circulation dense…

 與其說不要參觀, 不如說不能參觀! 法國大革命的重要指標地, 巴士底監獄早被拆個精光了!

Mais préférer… les passages du Faubourg Saint-Antoine 不如參觀巴黎最老街道之一的 Faubourg Saint-Antoine上的胡同

visite paris

Si la Révolution n’est plus visible à proprement parlé, elle reste encore tenace dans le quartier proche du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, où se trouvent de nombreux passages et cours cachés, réminiscences des ateliers de bois qui ont fait la réputation du Faubourg jusqu’au 20e siècle.

法國大革命在這些胡同還頑強的留了些印記. 古老的木工作坊及家具修繕廠, 自大革命時期憶立至今.

5. Ne pas faire… de Da Vinci Code Tours. 不要進行達文西密碼巡禮

paris 6eme arrondissement

Faire une visite guidée sur les pas du héros du roman de Dan Brown est, sinon une injure à Paris, le meilleur moyen d’apprendre des contre-vérités. Mais puisque nous sommes indulgents, ok pour que vous découvriez – par vous-mêmes ! – quelques endroits cités dans le livre, comme l’église Saint-Sulpice.

達文西密碼不過是個謊言, 不過書中提到的景點還是值得參觀! 比如Saint-Sulpice.教堂

Mais préférer… une véritable visite guidée. 不如參加真實的導覽行程

Anecdotes insolites, histoire de Paris, lieux méconnus et quartiers aux trésors cachés comme Monceau ou les Buttes-Chaumont, les visites guidées Un Jour de Plus à Paris vous garantiront une vraie découverte.
De quoi définitivement remettre le Da Vinci Code dans son carton.

巴黎的傳說, 軼事, 小故事, 不為人知的有趣景點, 都可在專業導覽當中發現! 達文西密碼放一邊吧!

6. Ne pas … siroter un café dans un café célèbre. 不要去知名咖啡館喝咖啡

Café de Flore, les Deux Magots… Des noms qui résonnent dans nos oreilles comme des lieux mythiques des intellectuels au 20e siècle, côtoyés entre autres par Sartre et Simone de Beauvoir. Sans parler du Café des Deux Moulins, rendu célèbre grâce au film Amélie Poulain.
Vous n’y trouverez cependant aujourd’hui rien d’autre que des clients venus comme vous essayer d’y capter la glorieuse atmosphère du passé, et repartis avec comme seul souvenir un prix exorbitant payé pour un simple café.

花神, 雙叟, 20世紀初期響噹噹的知識份子咖啡館! 還有因電影而暴紅的艾蜜莉咖啡館~
沙特與西蒙波娃已逝, 當年的人文咖啡氛圍可能僅剩下一杯要價高昂的普通咖啡!

Mais préférer… le café d’à côté 不如喝住家隔壁的咖啡

Terrasse du restaurant

Bien qu’elle soit un peu plus dure à trouver aujourd’hui, la véritable atmosphère du Bistro Parisien existe encore. Préférez donc aux grandes enseignes un joli bar de quartier. Le meilleur moyen de « vivre à la parisienne » !

雖然巴黎小酒館不太好找了, 但還是有一些保有過去的氣氛. 能好好享受巴黎式生活, 也不過就是到隔壁家常咖啡館喝杯簡單的咖啡囉!

lundi 13 avril 2015

44道一輩子一定要嚐一次的法國料理 44 Classic French Meals You Need To Try Before You Die

法國既然號稱美食王國, 到底有哪些料理是第一次造訪法國的人必須嚐嚐的呢?

Buzzfeed 網站幫你按照地區, 整理出44道經典法國料理!

還附有食譜, 以及推薦搭配的酒類與甜點!

Justine Zwiebel / BuzzFeed

Justine Zwiebel / BuzzFeed

1. Coquilles Saint-Jacques 鮮干貝

Todd Coleman / Via
You think you know scallops but if you haven’t tried this dish, you don’t know shit.
Find the recipe here.(食譜)
What to drink: A sauvignon or a Chablis.
For dessert: These scallops are often served for Christmas. So what better dessert than a bûche, the traditional French Christmas dessert to go with it? And who said you can’t serve this dessert any time of the year? Here is the recipe.

建議搭配sauvignon 或 Chablis 白酒.
因為通常是聖誕夜大餐的主角, 所以甜點搭配木柴蛋糕相得益彰.

2. Baked Camembert 烤卡蒙白乳酪
It is a Camembert. And it is BAKED. What more do you need to know?
Find the recipe here.
What to drink: A red Bordeaux.
For dessert: A tarte tatin, a French apple pie, to end the meal on a sweet and light note. Here is the recipe.
甜點當然搭配諾曼第名產 "翻轉蘋果派" .
(其實很多乳酪都可以烤, 比如Reblochon)

3. Moules Marinières 白酒淡菜

The association between mussels and french fries is a Belgian specialty, but it’s very widespread in France and we brought our own twist to the recipe. There are many ways to cook mussels, my favorite is the moules marinières, a recipe from the west of France where you cook the mussels in a white wine broth with shallots and parsley.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A blond Belgian ale, or a white wine.
For dessert: A clafoutis, traditionally made with cherries but you can switch them for rhubarb. Find two (very easy) recipes here and here.

事實上是比利時料理, 但在法國很常見喔! 做法也簡單.

4. Buckwheat Crêpes 蕎麥可麗餅

Foodpictures / Via Shutterstock

In Brittany, authentic savory crêpes are made with buckwheat flour and filled with anything you can dream of.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: Apple cider.
For dessert: Crêpes suzette.
以蕎麥製成, 承漂亮的褐色. 通常包裹鹹食(乳酪, 煎蛋, 火腿是最基本的)
甜點則是suzette 可麗餅. (柑橘汁與柑橘酒燒炙的甜可麗餅)

5. Blanquette de Veau 白酒燉小牛肉

Deana Sidney / Via
You’ll have a hard time finding a more quintessential French dish than this veal ragout. It’s très très bon.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A red Bordeaux.
For dessert: A Paris-Brest, a cream puff filled with whipped cream. Find a recipehere and here.
其實就是沒有醬油的牛肉燴飯 (誤)

6. Soupe à L’oignon 洋蔥湯

bonchan / Via Shutterstock

The queen of all soups. This is how New York Times food critic Amanda Hesser described it: “It is one of the strangest and most delicious soup recipes I’ve encountered. … By the time it is done, the ‘soup’ is like a savory bread pudding and the top has a thick, golden crust that your guests will fight to the death over.”

Here is the new recipe.
What to drink: A Beaujolais.
For dessert: Chocolate éclairs. The real ones are filled with chocolate cream and not vanilla custard like most recipes in English would have you believe. Here is a good recipe

湯中之后. 紐約時報的食評曾說: 這是最奇特也最美味的湯. 以時間熬製. 

7. Sole Meunière 煎比目魚
You don’t need fancy preparations to get an awesome result, especially when it comes to fish. Sole meunière is thus a very straightforward and easily prepared recipe. The final dish is flavorful, crispy, buttery, and lemony, all at once.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A white wine, like a Sancerre.
For dessert: Kouign-amann, a deliciously caramelized specialty from Brittany. Find the recipe here.

是非常直接而簡單的料理. 集酥脆, 奶香與檸檬酸香於一身.
甜點是布列塔尼的 Kouign-amann (以奶油,麵粉,糖為主要成分, 也是以簡單食材發揮極大值的料理)

8. Hachis Parmentier 焗烤絞肉馬鈴薯泥

Mardi Michels / Via
A layer of mashed potatoes and a layer of juicy ground beef (or, as I like to call them, two layers of heaven). Hachis Parmentier is often described as a French version of shepherd’s pie. It is French comfort food at its best and it is fairly easy to prepare.
Check out the recipe here.
What to drink: A red wine, something like an Alsacian pinot noir.
For dessert: A crème brûlée. It’s delicious, fun to prepare, and a perfect way to warm up a cold winter night. Here is the recipe.

算是法國國民料理. 做法不難.
搭配紅酒, 尤以阿爾薩斯的黑皮諾為佳.

9. Boudin Noir Aux Pommes 豬血香腸佐蘋果

Oddur Thorisson / Via

Boudin noir is a blood sausage. If you’re not repelled by the concept, you’re in for a treat. There are several varieties of boudin (in the French Caribbean they produce a delicious spicy blood sausage that’s worth the trip alone). The traditional French boudin noir is excellent on its own or served with baked apples.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A red Bordeaux.
For dessert: A pithiviers, an almond-flavored cake. Here is the recipe.

以豬血灌製的香腸, 有時會加上洋蔥或辣椒調味. 一般都是搭配新鮮蘋果或蘋果泥食用.
甜點是pithiviers (羅亞爾河區的杏仁甜餡餅)

10. Cheese Soufflé乳酪舒芙蕾

Molly Wizenberg /

Like Audrey Hepburn’s culinary school instructor in Sabrina puts it: “The soufflé it must be gay, gay, gay. Like two butterflies dancing the waltz in the summer breeze.” Doesn’t it make you want to channel your inner French chef?
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: Both a red Beaujolais and a white riesling would work.
For dessert: Some salted butter caramels. Find the recipe here.

奧黛麗赫本的台詞: 舒芙蕾就像兩隻跳著華爾滋的蝴蝶

11. Steak Tartare 韃靼牛肉(生牛絞肉)

Lisovskaya Natalia / Shutterstock

When you eat steak tartare, you’re eating meat the way it is supposed to be eaten: raw. Don’t be scared and unleash your primal instinct.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A red Bordeaux.
For dessert: A French apple cake. Here is the recipe.

是生的, 新鮮的牛絞肉. 會加入酸黃瓜, 芥末, 洋蔥調味. 

12. Pot-au-feu 法式燉鍋

Monkey Business Images / Via Shutterstock
This beef and vegetable stew is the ultimate French winter dish. You’ll have a hard time finding anything more heartwarming and comforting (except for cassoulet).
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A red wine, like a cabernet franc.
For dessert: A far breton, a prune cake from Brittany. Find the recipe here.

屬於冬天的暖胃菜. 以根莖類蔬菜跟牛肉慢燉而成.
佐cabernet franc (其實vin jaune黃酒更佳)
甜點是布列塔尼櫻桃蛋奶蛋糕, 亦屬厚重類.

Justine Zwiebel / BuzzFeed

13. Piperade 番茄甜椒炒蛋(巴斯克料理)

Cured By Bacon / Via
Piperade is a specialty from the French Basque country. It is a little bit like ratatouille, except not really since you use mostly onions and peppers for the Basque specialty. Bake a few eggs in the dish and you’re in for a treat.
Find the recipe here.
What to drink: A cabernet sauvignon.
For dessert: A gâteau Basque, the most famous and delicious pastry from the French Basque Country. Here is the recipe.

類似普羅旺斯燉菜. 也是充滿陽光的料理. 打顆雞蛋在上面更是美味

14. Magret de Canard 鴨胸肉

Oddur Thorisson / Via
Magret is French for duck breast. The secret here is in the cook of the meat. You want the meat to be bloody for it to be good.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A red Bordeaux.
For dessert: A yogurt cake, the simplest cake recipe ever. Find it here.

幾乎也是國民料理了. 常出現在餐廳菜單上. 選擇烹調熟度很重要
佐波爾多 (西南部亦佳)

15. Garbure豬肉捲心菜濃湯

Antonis Achilleos / Via
It’s a southwestern stew made of ham, cabbage, and other vegetables. It’s both comforting and delicious.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A tannat.
For dessert: A pastis landais, a sweet brioche from the same area as the garbure.Here is a recipe.

西南部料理. 以火腿及蔬菜為主.
搭配 tannat ((Madiran產區
甜點是西南朗德地區pastis (這個字在gascon跟occitane是指糕點, 一般熟知的茴香酒pastis也是同一字源) 以橙花, 香草跟蘭姆酒增添香味.

16. Cassoulet 土魯斯豬肉燉豆

bonchan / Via Shutterstock
A legendary French chef once said this duck and beans stew was the god of southwestern French food. He was wrong. Cassoulet is the god of ALL FOODS. Nothing — and I mean NOTHING — can match the comfort brought to you by a good cassoulet. It is the most heartwarming and delicious dish there is. Making a good cassoulet takes some time and effort, but it’s all worth it.
Find a recipe here and here.
What to drink: A red wine, preferably from the southwest of France.
For dessert: A French apple tart. You can’t really go wrong with this classic. Here is the recipe.

曾有大廚說這道菜是西南部料理之王. 需要時間與用心. 絕對值得! 

17. Pan-seared Foie Gras 鵝肝

Kenji Lopez-Alt / Via

You may think the way we make foie gras is cruel. And maybe you’re right. But there is no better way to soothe the guilt than to taste pan-seared foie gras. Foie gras paté is delicious, but pan-seared foie gras is unique and amazing. The hardest part of this recipe is finding a fresh whole foie gras at a local store. Once you have it, the recipe is actually fairly easy and the result mind-blowing.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: Both red and white wines work well this dish. A red Bordeaux will be nice, but you may also want to try a sweet white wine.
For dessert: A French lemon tart to end on a fresh and sweet note. Find the recipe,here.

製作鵝肝的過程也許殘酷, 但它的美味無法擋. 
搭配紅酒白酒都適宜. 帶點甜的白酒更佳

18. Confit de Canard 油封鴨

I don’t know who had the idea to cook a duck in its own fat, but that genius should be canonized. Even the strongest atheist will believe in God after tasting this specialty, especially if it’s served with duck fat-fried potatoes.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A red Bordeaux.
For dessert: A French strawberry pie. Here is a recipe.

以自身油脂烹調的鴨肉料理. 再加上鴨油炸過的馬鈴薯, 絕配!
甜點是 法式草莓派

19. Poulet Basquaise 巴斯克燉雞 / Via
This chicken, pepper, and tomato stew from the French Basque country was a favorite of Julia Child. It’s simple, straightforward, and, you guessed it, comforting.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A red Bordeaux.
For dessert: A Basque pumpkin cornbread. Here is the recipe.

雞肉, 辣椒與番茄譜出的完美三重奏. 也是美國名廚朱麗雅柴爾德的最愛.

20. lamproie à la Bordelaise 紅酒七鰓鰻

Jacques PALUT / Via Shutterstock
This dish is not for everyone and the preparation itself is quite gruesome. You have to bleed a lamprey — aka the ugliest animal EVER —and collect the blood that you then use in the sauce along with red wine. It was already served in some parts of France in the Middle Ages and became widespread in most European courts in the 17th century.
Find the recipe here.
What to drink: A Bordeaux supérieur.
For dessert: Cannelés, a specialty from Bordeaux. Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, with a subtle taste of rum and vanilla. Here is the recipe.

這不是每個人都能駕馭的料理. 還得把鰻血留下製成醬汁. 是道中古世紀時期的食譜.
甜點是可麗露, 同樣來自波爾多

Justine Zwiebel / BuzzFeed

21. Quenelles of Pike with Lobster Sauce 龍蝦醬魚肉丸

Foodpictures / Via Shutterstock
The first time I tasted quenelles of pike I heard angels sing. This specialty from Lyon is rich — and if you’re watching your cholesterol you should try something else — but it is never heavy. The texture is light and fluffy and the pike flavor very subtle. But it is the lobster sauce that brings the whole thing to an enchanting dimension.
Find a recipe, here. And here is how a French chef prepares quenelles.
What to drink: A chardonnay.
For dessert: Some bugnes lyonnaises, a sweet treat from Lyon. Here is the recipe.

雖然熱量十足, 膽固醇也會暴增, 卻是一道會讓你聽見天使在吟唱的料理! 軟軟綿綿如棉花糖般的魚丸~ 與濃郁的龍蝦醬汁相得益彰
搭配chardonnay 白酒
甜點是里昂特產; 油炸甜餅 bugnes

22. Soupe de Poisson à la Rouille 蒜泥蛋黃醬辣味魚湯

Deana Sidney / Via
This fish soup was born in Marseille. It used to be a fishermen’s dish, so the fish involved in its preparation is pretty cheap. Tomatoes and saffron give it a beautiful color. The final, and crucial, touch is the “rouille,” a saffron mayonnaise that goes on top.
Find the recipe here.
What to drink : My grandmother, who makes a killer fish soup, told me a rosé was in order. For the wine snobs who roll their eyes at the mention of rosé, a Provence white wine will also work very well.
For dessert : Navettes de Marseille, a sweet pastry flavored with orange blossom water. It is shaped like a boat, to stick with the fishing theme. Here is the recipe.

魚湯以馬賽最出名. 是討海人的家常料理. 因此使用的並非昂貴魚種. 增添番茄與香料更添色澤. 最後加入的rouille 蒜泥美乃滋更是畫龍點睛.
搭配粉紅酒. 或是普羅旺斯白酒.
甜點是馬賽梭形餅乾(在chandeleur時, 馬賽人會吃這個, 而不是可麗餅)

23. Gigot D’Agneau Pleureur 烤小羊腿

Foodpictures / Via Shutterstock
A “crying lamb gigot.” The meat is cooked in the oven, slowly, on a grill, with the potatoes placed on a rack underneath it. The meat’s juices fall on the potatoes and cook them.
Find a recipe here.
What to drink: A red Médoc wine.
For dessert: Profiteroles, cream puffs filled with vanilla ice cream and topped with hot chocolate sauce. Here is the recipe.

長時間小火烤熟的羊腿, 美味的令人想哭 ! 烤的時候, 羊腿下鋪一層馬鈴薯, 吸收羊腿精華.

24. Bouillabaisse 馬賽魚湯

HLPhoto / Via Shutterstock
This saffron-flavored stew is the most iconic dish from Marseille and it shares the warmth of the city. It involves four different types of fish and a variety of shellfish. It’s a classic that will be appreciated by all seafood lovers.
Here is a recipe.
What to drink: A white or a rosé from Provence.
For dessert: A Beaumes de Venise cake with grapes, named after a little town in the Vaucluse. Recipe here.

帶有番紅花香味的馬賽魚湯已經是馬賽的象徵了. 就跟這城市一樣熱情! 
甜點 Beaumes de Venise 白酒葡萄蛋糕

25. Pissaladière尼斯鹹派

Off the spork / Via
Pissaladière is a pizza with onion, olives, and anchovies. Beautifully simple and totally delicious.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A rosé.
For dessert: A tarte tropézienne, which is basically a giant cream puff. Recipe hereand here.

尼斯版的pizza, 鋪以洋蔥, 橄欖跟鯷魚. 簡單的色香味一次到位! 
甜點是聖托貝派. 創於1955年的一種鬆軟澎奶油夾心蛋糕

26. Soupe au Pistou蔬菜蒜泥濃湯
This soup is a specialty from Provence made with the French version of pesto. It’s both comforting and flavorful.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A red or rosé wine from Provence.
For dessert: Some macarons, just because they’re really good. Recipe here.


27. Ratatouille 普羅旺斯燉菜

Jack Jelly / Via Shutterstock
This dish is so famous it even had a Pixar movie named after it, but I couldn’t possibly write a post about French food without including it. So there you go.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A red wine or a rosé from the south of France. A merlot will work well too.
For dessert: French almond nougat, one of the best French candies. To be honest, I’m not sure making it at home is very realistic, but if you feel adventurous, you can try this recipe.


28. Roasted Chicken and Garlic 大蒜烤雞

margouillat photo / Via Shutterstock
Roasted chicken with potatoes is the traditional Sunday lunch in France, whether you buy it already roasted at the local farmers market or you make it at home. There are several recipes, but my favorite includes whole garlic cloves roasted with the chicken. When you eat the chicken you crush the roasted cloves on the meat. It’s unbelievably good.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: Pretty much any red wine goes with that one.
For dessert: Another French classic, the religieuse — pastry cream, chocolate ganache and whipped cream. Here is the recipe.

自亨利四世發誓要讓法國民眾每周都能吃上一隻雞之後, 周末吃雞就變成許多法國人不成文的傳統. 

29. Navarin D’Agneau蘿蔔洋芋燉羊肉

Chris Court /
It’s kind of a lighter (but equally delicious) version of boeuf bourguignon. Except that it’s made with lamb, white wine, and spring vegetables.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: Although it’s made with white wine, a pinot noir is the best option to go with the dish.
For dessert: A French fig tart. Find the recipe here.

勃根地牛肉的清淡版. 改用白酒加小羊肉更鮮甜. 

30. Foie de Veau à la Lyonnaise 里昂風味牛肝

Oddur Thorisson / Via
Calf liver. It may not sound appetizing at first but if you prepare it well it will wow your taste buds. In Lyon, they make it with caramelized onions, but you can also use shallots. Another option is to sauté the liver with parsley and garlic.
Here is the recipe for the veal liver with caramelized shallots. And one for the garlic and parsley option.
What to drink: A merlot from Bordeaux.
For dessert: A Saint Honoré, a pastry composed of cream puffs, pastry cream, and whipped cream. Believe me, your life is meaningless until you try this wonder. Here is a recipe.

美味的內臟料理, 佐焦糖洋蔥, 或者香芹蒜末.
甜點是 saint honore泡芙

31. Aligot 乳酪洋芋泥

Rob Tannenbaum / Via
Mashed potatoes with melted cheese and garlic. Native to the Aubrac, a volcanic region with deserted granite landscapes in the center of France, it is an ideal comfort food.
Here is a recipe.
What to drink: A cabernet sauvignon.
For dessert: Some madeleines, Marcel Proust’s favorite delicacy (he is not alone).Here is a recipe.


32. Fondue Savoyarde 乳酪火鍋

Bernd Juergens / Via Shutterstock
Melted cheese with white wine and garlic served in a communal pot where everyone dips their bread. This typical dish from the French Alps is very convivial and a perfect way to feed a group of friends after a long winter day.
Find the recipe here.
What to drink: A chardonnay.
For dessert: A Savoy cake, a specialty from the same region as the fondue. Here is the recipe.

33. Tartiflette 焗烤洋芋奶油洋蔥豬肉派

Monkey Business Images / Via Shutterstock
A luxurious potato dish from the French Alps made with melted cheese, lardons (French bacon), and onions. Do you really need more convincing?
Here is Anthony Bourdain’s recipe.
What to drink: A white wine from Savoie.
For dessert: A baba au rhum, a rum-soaked dessert. Here is the recipe.


34. Gratin Dauphinois 焗烤白醬馬鈴薯

Joe Gough / Via Shutterstock
An authentic gratin dauphinois doesn’t have any cheese. It is just made of sliced potatoes baked in milk, or cream. The preparation is easy and the result always satisfying.
Here is a recipe.
What to drink: A red wine, like a Beaujolais.
For dessert: To end the meal on a light touch, some homemade fromage blanc with some seasonal fruits. Here is a recipe.

正統的焗烤馬鈴薯是不放任何乳酪的. 材料只有馬鈴薯, 鮮奶油跟牛奶/

Justine Zwiebel / BuzzFeed

35. Coq au Vin 紅酒燉公雞

Radu Dumitrescu / Via Shutterstock
This may be one of the most famous French dishes in the U.S., thanks to Julia Child’s book Mastering the Art of French Cooking. It was originally made with a rooster, but chicken is now more commonly used. It is cooked in a red wine sauce with bacon, butter, and beef stock. And it is ridiculously delicious.
Find the recipe here.
What to drink : If you can, a pinot noir from Bourgogne. Otherwise an American pinot noir should do the trick.
For dessert : A chocolate mousse. Because, why not? Here is the recipe.

很有名的法國菜, 現在卻不太容易吃到. 

36. Flammekueche 阿爾薩斯洋蔥燻肉派

aliasemma / Via Shutterstock
A thin-crust pizza with crème fraîche, onions, and bacon that comes from Alsace, the French region at the border with Germany. It won’t help you achieve your daily intake of vegetables but no vegetable tastes this good.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A Gewürztraminer, an Alsatian wine.
For dessert: A kouglof, an Alsatian brioche. Find the recipe here.

(在2016台北101耶誕市集被某人嫌"很空虛"的料理 :D )
甜點是咕咕洛夫kouglof, 同樣是阿爾薩斯名產的鬆軟麵包

37. Raclette 乳酪燒

Ronald Sumners / Via Shutterstock
Another brilliant melted cheese specialty. It is originally from Switzerland but it’s a very common winter dish in France, where regions such as Savoie and Franche-Comté make a cheese very close to the Swiss raclette. It may be one of of the easiest meals to prepare — you just cover baked potatoes, ham and salami with the melted cheese. It’s obviously delicious.
Here is a recipe that doesn’t require a raclette maker.
What to drink: A red or white wine from Savoie.
For dessert: A Mont-Blanc, a dessert made with chestnut cream and meringue. Here is a recipe.

源自瑞士, 很受法國人喜愛. 可能也是最容易準備的一道料理.

38. Choucroute Garnie 豬肉香腸佐酸白菜

Deana Sidney / Via
This generous dish is the Alsatian version of sauerkraut with sausages, pork ribs, and potatoes. A nice and hearty family dinner.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A riesling.
For dessert: A männele, an Alsatian brioche that is traditionally made to celebrate Saint Nicholas. Find the recipe here.

甜點是männele, 阿爾薩斯的傳統甜麵包點心

39. Baeckeoffe 阿爾薩斯洋芋洋蔥燉肉

Con Poulos / Via
Back in the days when laundry machines were not even a dream, women used to spend one day a week washing clothes. They didn’t have time to cook that day so they would make baeckeoffe ahead of time, cover the dish with a bread batter and leave it at the local bakery on their way to the lavoir. The baker would leave the dish in the oven to bake for the rest of the day. Even though the days of the lavoir are over, baeckeoffe is still around because it’s fucking amazing.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: A pinot noir.
For dessert: A damson pie, another specialty from Alsace. I couldn’t find a recipe in English for the Alsatian version, but here is one from Luxembourg that’s very similar (the recipe measurements are in the metric system).

以前的婦女在必須去洗衣坊做活兒的那一天, 會先把料理準備好, 蓋上一塊麵包, 送入烤箱小火烤上一整天.  就是這道菜的由來.

40. Quiche Lorraine 洛林鹹派

Vitaly Goncharov / Via Shutterstock
A classic and one of the easiest recipes on this list, it is always a hit. The secret is to achieve the perfect balance between the soft and creamy batter and the salty and crunchy bacon. Perfect if you feel like cooking but don’t have much time.
Here is a recipe.
What to drink: A dry white wine such as an Alsatian pinot gris.
For dessert: A mirabelle plum and almond frangipane tart. Here is the recipe.

洛林地區料理, 現在也是法國國民料理了! 簡單快速又美味~

41. Boeuf Bourguignon 勃根地紅酒燉牛肉

Dream79 / Via Shutterstock
Its name may be hard to pronounce but boeuf bourguignon is always easy to eat. It is basically a delicious red wine beef stew. It is also one of the rare dishes that is even better the second day. So if you’re hosting a dinner and want to cook in advance, this is a perfect option.
Find a recipe here.
What to drink: A red from Bourgogne.
For dessert: An île flottante. Find the recipe here.

也算普遍的料理, 隔天更加美味! 

42. Escargots 蝸牛

marco mayer / Via Shutterstock
Snails with butter, garlic, and parsley. If it grosses you out, good. That just leaves more for us.
Find the recipe here.
What to drink: A Bourgogne aligoté.
For dessert: A raspberry charlotte. Here is the recipe.

不敢吃嗎? 那太好了~ 我們會全部掃光的 :) 大蒜香草奶油做填料的蝸牛美味極了!

.43 Gougères 酥炸乳酪球

Oddur Thorisson / Via
Gougères are cheese puffs. If you need any more convincing then maybe you don’t deserve to try them.
Here is the recipe.
What to drink: Red or white wine, doesn’t really matter.
For dessert: Some meringue cookie bites. Find the recipe, here.


Justine Zwiebel / BuzzFeed

44. Cod Accras 魚肉炸丸子

Foodpictures / Via
As a friend of mine puts it: “No one really likes cod but somehow everyone loves cod accras.” These deep-fried French Caribbean specialties can be served as appetizers or in a sandwich. They are very good and highly addictive.
Here is a recipe.
What to drink: Ti’Punch, a rum cocktail from the French Caribbean.
For dessert: Another specialty from the French Caribbean, a blanc-manger coco — a delicious and refreshing coconut-flavored jelly-like cake. Here is the recipe.

cod這種鱈魚不太受歡迎, 但是做成炸魚肉丸子卻非常美味. 當前菜或夾三明治當主餐都很棒!
